Explore multilingal text classification using embedding, bert and deep learning architecture
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Model interpretability: test LIP
#79 opened by tarrade - 1
run and fix all issues with pylint
#76 opened by tarrade - 1
Migration to Tensorflow 2.3.0
#78 opened by tarrade - 1
add docstring for all functions and classes
#77 opened by tarrade - 2
batch size training versus validation
#75 opened by tarrade - 1
Hyperparameter tuning on AI Platform training working with explicit call not default setup
#61 opened by tarrade - 2
tf.summary.create_file_writer -> file_cache is unavailable when using oauth2client >= 4.0.0 or google-auth
#64 opened by tarrade - 1
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AI Platform training: logging messages missing or duplicated or with the wrong label
#63 opened by tarrade - 0
Ideal Architecture for Fine-Tuning
#53 opened by vluechinger - 1
Implement a decaying learning rate
#55 opened by vluechinger - 1
How to create your own distilled model?
#50 opened by vluechinger - 1
Implement LASER and see if it is useful
#30 opened by vluechinger - 2
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Reproducability of BERT Model Training Runs
#59 opened by vluechinger - 2
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Further Pre-training: do-able? Useful?
#58 opened by vluechinger - 2
python segfault when using TPU
#49 opened by tarrade - 1
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Transfer Learning in NLP vs. CV: Differences?
#57 opened by vluechinger - 1
implement example with python client library for model training instead of gcloud
#42 opened by tarrade - 1
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compute the multilingual BERT model (512 sequence length) with a GPU and compare computation time and costs to the CPU run
#29 opened by vluechinger - 0
What is so special about the tfrecord format?
#51 opened by vluechinger - 1
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TensorBoard don't display properly hyperparameter tuning done on AI Platform training!
#47 opened by tarrade - 3
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SDK issue on AI Platform notebook?
#44 opened by tarrade - 1
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clean up def batch_translate_text
#36 opened by tarrade - 1
Store tf.data after the transformation needed for BERT in TFRecord files (preprocessing done only one)
#35 opened by tarrade - 1
Batch Translation on GCP creates problems
#34 opened by vluechinger - 0
be able to use any kind of model like xml-roberta
#33 opened by tarrade - 1
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