This is a collection of Peter Williams’ miscellaneous Python tools. I’m packaging them so that other people can install them off of PyPI and run my code without having to go to too much work. That’s the hope, at least.
The online documentation contains installation instructions. The documentation is very much a work in progress but may be found here.
If you use pwkit in academic work, you should identify that you have done so and specify the version used. While pwkit does not (yet?) have an accompanying formal publication, in journals like ApJ you can “cite” the code directly via its record in the NASA Astrophysics Data System, which has identifier 2017ascl.soft04001W. This corresponds to record ascl:1704.001 in in the Astrophysics Source Code Library. By clicking on this link you can get the ADS-recommended BibTeX record for the reference.
If you are using aastex version 6 or higher, the appropriate code to include after your Acknowledgments section would be:
\software{..., pwkit \citep{2017ascl.soft04001W}, ...}
See the online documentation.
The MIT license. See the file LICENSE in the source tree.