Python implementation of MADAN algorithm for Multi-scale Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks

Primary LanguagePython


Leonardo Gutiérrez-Gómez, Alexandre Bovet and Jean-Charles Delvenne

MADAN is the acronym of Multi-scale Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks. This is an unsupervised algorithm allowing to detect anomalous nodes and their context at all scales of the network.

Here you can find the source code of our approach with some examples implemented on our paper: Multi-scale Anomaly Detection For Attributed Networks (MADAN algorithm), published at AAAI-20 conference. Paper.

Figure 1. A toy example of work relation network. Nodes have attributes describing individual features. Node at-tributes define structural clusters in multiple scales. At the 1st scale outlier nodes (O1,O2,O3) lie within a local con-text, i.e, offices. In a 2nd scale, departments emerge as new contexts where O2 is not defined. Finally, at a larger scale O3 remains as a global anomaly in context of the whole company.

Tested on Jupyter notebook 5.7.0 with Python 3.7.3 Dependences: pygsp, pandas, sklearn, networkx, matplotlib

Note: For efficiency reasons some functions were written in cython. We recommend you to compile them before, running the following script:

python setup.py build_ext --inplace 

Jupyter notebooks

  • Running MADAN algorithn on a toy example network. (Figure 2 of the paper).
  • MADAN algorithn on a real life dataset, the Disney copurchasing network (Figure 5 of the paper)

Benchmarking on synthetic networks

  • MADAN algorith on synthetic networks We generate artificial attributed networks with ground truth anomalies and evaluate the performance of recovering anomalous nodes varing the percentage of anmalies in the network (Figure 3 of the paper).

The following script will compute the ROC/AUC and PR/AUC metrics for the synthetic networks:

python LFR_MADAN.py
  • Then plotting the scores as the Figure 3 of the paper:
cd plot_LFR/
python plot_scores.py

Real life examples

  • Running anomaly detection on the Disney copurchasing network data and computes ROC-AUC score, (Table 2 of the paper).
python run_real_data.py

The other datasets can be found in the original source:



This folder contains some Matlab figures of the scanning of relevant partitions in the toy example and the Disney network.



If you find MADAN useful for your research, please consider citing our following paper. Bibtex:

author = {Gutiérrez-Gómez Leonardo, Bovet Alexandre and Delvenne Jean-Charles},
 title = {Multi-scale Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)},
 year = {2020}


Please send any questions you might have about the code and/or the algorithm to leonardo.gutierrez@list.lu.