
Frontend Component for Khoj (Location search Typeahead service)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Khoj Frontend

It's a frontend application which uses Khoj backend service. Its powered by react and this application is bootstrapped with create react app.
Want to look at the Khoj backend service, click on the link below: (https://github.com/tarun29061990/khoj)

How to set up:

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Make sure your node version is v12.17.0 and npm version is 6.14.4

  3. Run commands below:

     npm install
     npm start
  4. App will start running on http://localhost:3000


Test are located as a sibling to the component file. For running tests , run commands below:

npm test

Project Structure

The project structure is inspired by react standard project structure. Entry point of the app is index.js which invokes App.js and then App.js invokes Main component called KhojApp.js located in src folder.

src folder contains presentation and container components. Container components are the host of the application and maintains state of the whole app whereas presentation component takes care of the rendering part based on the data passed to them.

index.js - Entry point of application

App.js - Mounting point of the whole application

src/container/KhojApp.js - Container component which maintains state for the whole app.

src/presentation/AutoCompleteForm.js - Its a Form with text field and handles pill component rendering logic.

src/presentation/AutoCompleteList.js - Its a autocomplete list that comes when user types something in the input field.


  1. Right now User can see atmost 10 results. In order to see more then change the count query parameter while calling getLocations api.
  2. Same location cannot be added twice as a pill in the input.

Project Specification

  1. You should be able to type and see an auto-complete of matching locations in sorted order.
  2. You should be able tp select a location and it should be added to the field as a pill.
  3. You can click outside the autocomplete and it should close the autocomplete field.
  4. You can delete the pills by clicking on the 'x'.
  5. You won't be able to add more than 5 locations.

Who do I talk to?

Tarun Chaudhary (http://curioustechie.in)