Search on Google Cloud Platform

Open Cloud Shell and set your region and zone

  1. Copy the Code file from Git git clone

  2. Extract Data from Best buy data set : I used only 15000 skus(1.5GB) as data was really big • Upload data to Bucket : Buckets/tarunam-autocomplete/products--> 71 Product Xmls • Use gsutil to copy Data from bucket to cloud shell current directory: gsutil cp -r gs://tarunam-autocomplete/products . • Change the Data Location to Dataset:extract data/ • Converts XML to CSV with header : 'sku', 'name', 'regularPrice', 'salePrice', 'type', 'url', 'image', 'inStoreAvailability' • Also before running the python file please import XMLtoDICT module by running below command: o sudo pip install xmltodict o inside folder extract_product_data python • After successful transformation you will get an “best_buy_products.csv” under extract data folder 15K skus

  3. Creating Index from CSV file : Connecting to GAE search API for indexing the fields

  • I am not using “Setting” file at parent level as somehow I was having issue so directly used variables into index file
  • Before loading indexes run below commands cd gae_search_api/webapp/ o sudo pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib o cd gae_search_api/load_data o python
  • This will create Indexes in GAE dashboard
  1. Deploy Web App to GAE cd gae_search_api/webapp/ o sudo pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib
  • Above command will create folder under Webapp
  • Deploy the App: cd gae_search_api/webapp/ o gcloud app deploy . –promote o gcloud app deploy -v search –promote
  • Access application: GAE Dashboard -------------------------------------------------------Thanks from previous dev----------------------------------------------------- this repository contains examples of applications which have "search" functionality using different GCP products and services. every example is described in detail with blog article.


  1. Search API and Google App Engine
  2. Cloud Datastore
  3. Cloud SQL