
A Socket Based chat application using socket.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple chat aplication using socketio and nodeJS with no user interface (my whole purpose was learning how to using socketio and get acquainted with nodeJS)

To private msg someone who is online do "@"username Your message and it will be sent private to user with username if there exist no username will show you an error. (Quotes for clarity) The user to whom you messaged privately will see a message in green color.


To run this Clone it into your local machine.

Download NodeJS from their website(If you dont have)
And open nodeJS command prompt(If you are on windows ) and 
change directory to your cloned folder.
and run
**npm install** 
to install all dependencies in one go and finally type 
**node app.js** 
and head over to **localhost:3000** to see application running
