How to install the sample kit on a web server:

  1. Copy the 'samplekit' folder in document root of your server (like /var/www/html)
  2. The 'samplekit' folder is having the following files:
  • TxnTest.html - Testing transaction through Paytm gateway.
  • generate_checksum.rb - This file has the logic of checksum generation and passing all required parameters to Paytm PG.
  • verify_checksum.rb - This file has the logic for processing PG response after the transaction processing.
  • paytm/encryption_new_pg.rb - This is the library file.
  1. Open generate_checksum.rb file from the folder and update the below values (these can be downloaded from the Paytm portal. One time downloadable).
  • WEBSITE = ""
  • MID = ""
  • CHANNEL_ID = ""
  1. Provide the required values by running the TxnTest.html file and click on the 'submit' button to process a test transaction.

To generate checksum in Ruby :

  1. Create an associative array with key value pair of following paytm parameters (MID, ORDER_ID, CUST_ID, INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID, CHANNEL_ID, TXN_AMOUNT, EMAIL, WEBSITE)
  2. To generate checksum, call the following method. This function returns the checksum as a string. new_pg_checksum(paytmparams, merchant key).gsub("\n",'') where,
  • 'paytmparams' is an associative array containing Paytm parameters.
  • 'merchant key' is the Paytm Merchant Key provided by Paytm.

To verify checksum in Ruby:

  1. Get all the parameters received from Paytm and put them in an associative array (“key => value” pair).
  2. Get the CHECKSUMHASH parameter value received from Paytm store in a variable and remove the parameter from the array
  3. To verify checksum call the following function. This function returns a Boolean (true/false) new_pg_verify_checksum(paytmparams, check_sum, merchant_key) where,
  • 'paytmparams': is a parameter array which was created in step 1 of this section (NOTE: Do not include the CHECKSUMHASH parameter)
  • 'check_sum' : Is the CHECKSUMHASH parameter as received in step 2.
  • 'merchant_key': Is the merchant key received from Paytm