
Client Side Script for FaceMorphing WebApp

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Face Morphing (Client Side Script) - See Server Side Here.

Project Demo 🤓


What is Morphing? 🤔

The face morphing algorithm morphs between faces using a common set of feature points, placed by hand on each face. To morph between two faces, you need to warp both faces to a common shape so they can be blended together.

About this Client Side Repo 🧐

This will run only when you are up and running the server.


  1. FilePond: FilePond provides a smooth UX for uploading and kind of files. A wrapper built for ReactJS makes our job easy.
  2. Material UI: Provides easy styling functionalities to React components.


  • Nodejs: Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

  • Docker: Download Docker and Docker Compose is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. For Windows and Mac, it's recommended to get the Docker Desktop app.

    • Docker Engine Version: v19.03.8

Run Locally: 🚀

  1. [Important] Before running this client side script, make sure you have started your server succesfully. Check Steps in the SERVER repo.
  2. Now clone this repo to any other location than that of the server.
  3. If in the Server Side steps you changes the PORT number then update it in package.json -> PROXY. Otherwise leave it as is.
  4. Install dependecies with npm install.
  5. Run the script with npm start.
  6. Go to ```http://localhost:3000" in browse to test the project.

Run using Docker. 🚀

  1. Go to the root folder of the project.
  2. Build the Docker image with this command: docker build -t morph-client .
  3. Once it finishes building, run the following command to start docker run -itd -p [appPort]:[containerPortToExpose] morph-client:latest.
  • Note: the appPort is the one where the application would be listening to, and the containerPortToExpose is the one that would be visible outside the container. Eg: 3000:3000


Check and put up Issues and let me know the features which you wish to add before making a PR.

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