
PWA, that means it can be downloaded and used as a native app on desktops, android, ios, etc

The App is deployed on Heroku and available at

This project exclusively has been made for my University (University of Hyderabad) following all the SDE principles including Requirements gathering, Designing, and implementing.

There are two type of users to this website

  1. Placement cell team.
  2. Students

A placement cell team member can do

  • Login
  • View the available Jobs
  • Upload, Edit, Delete the jobs
  • Filter out the necessary jobs
  • View the visualization charts of various companies
  • Manage Profile

A Student can do

  • Login, Signup
  • View the available(eligible) Jobs
  • Apply for the Jobs
  • Filter out the Jobs
  • Manage Profile

Tech Stack Used: (MERN STACK) MongoDb, Firebase Storage, Material-UI styling, ReactJS frontend, Nodejs and ExpressJs as the backend