
This library makes it easy to create Windows Services for simple command line applications, which can run as a Windows Service or a command line application.

Primary LanguageC#


This library makes it easy to create Windows Services for simple command line applications, which can run as a Windows Service or a command line application.


First add the following dependencies to your project (see packages.xml) for details:

  • CommandLineParser
  • log4Net

Then create two classes:

  • Options. It has to extend the OptionsBaseClass
  • AppService. It has to extnd the AppServiceBase Class

When done, just run the application through AppRunner static class. The example below shows an example of a windows service which does nothing, but it starts. See https://github.com/jrozac/TcpDemoServerSvc for a complete example.

class Options : OptionsBase
    [Option("port", HelpText = "Server port", Required = true)]
    public int Port { get; set; }

class AppService : AppServiceBase<Options>

    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize 
    /// </summary>
    public override void Init()


    /// <summary>
    /// Service start
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public override bool Start()


    /// <summary>
    /// Server stop 
    /// </summary>
    public override void Stop()


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // run application
        AppRunner.Run<AppService, Options>(null, args);

        // run application with custom app service initialization (handy for IOC resolving)
        // AppRunner.Run<AppService, Options>(() => { return new AppService(); }, args);