
Jenkins utils

Primary LanguagePython

Jenkins Utils

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Implements some jenkins utils in python way.

jenkins-utils does not support plain-credentials, ssh-credentials plugins, so there's no option to encrypt/decrypt these data yet.

  • Python 3.4+
  • pycrypto (non windows systems)
  • pycryptodomex (windows)

Currently there's encrypt/decrypt operations implemented and gathered in convenient and python developer friendly form.

As an example you an decrypt (or encrypt) message using Jenkins's master and hudson secret keys:

$ python invoke.py --master-key master.key --hudson-secret-key hudson.util.Secret \
                   --action decrypt "{AQAAABAAAAAgd+820Q6QR4ABkf3JpXHacuO3zdj11o8JD/6VIJi8XjS9GJJyWquIYbNokyKKsIfN}"

this is simple text to encrypt

$ python invoke.py --master-key master.key --hudson-secret-key hudson.util.Secret \
                   --aes-type cbc --action encrypt "this is simple text to encrypt"


  • Master key is located at $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/master.key
  • Hudson key is located at $JENKINS_HOME/secrets/hudson.util.Secret


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import base64
import argparse
from lxml import etree
from jenkins.utils import Secret

def decrypt(opts):
    master_key = open(opts.master_key, 'rb').read()
    hudson_secret_key = open(opts.hudson_key, 'rb').read()
    secret = Secret(
        master_key=master_key, hudson_secret_key=hudson_secret_key
    credentials = etree.fromstring(
        open(opts.credentials, 'rb').read()
    for node in credentials.xpath('//com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.'
        username, *_ = node.xpath('./username/text()')
        password_encoded, *_ = node.xpath('./password/text()')
        password = base64.decodebytes(password_encoded.encode('utf-8'))
            "Encrypted (username:password): ({}:{})".format(
                username, secret.decrypt(password)

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--credentials', dest='credentials',
                        required=True, help='jenkins credentials.xml file')
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--master-key', dest='master_key',
                        help='jenkins secrets master.key file', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-H', '--hudson-secret-key', dest='hudson_key',
                        help='jenkins secrets hudson.util.Secret file')
    options = parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == '__main__':
$ python reader.py -c credentials.xml -m master.key -H hudson.util.Secret

Encrypted (username:password): (scm-bot:W9CA6qTajV)
Encrypted (username:password): (artifactory-bot:vB9V9BtPN4)
Encrypted (username:password): (git-bot:V32c5S8TnHCvmfr)
... and so on

In case if you just need to receive unencrypted content of your jenkins secrets and you are an admin of your jenkins master you can simply use the following script at http://<your-jenkins-master>/script

  it.properties.each { prop, val ->
    println(prop + ' = "' + val + '"')

And obtain all requried data.