Python Course


This course assumes some familiarity with python. We assume that you have worked with lists, written for loops and defined functions.


This course will cover the basics of python, including these topics:

  • functions
  • scope and modules
  • data types including lists, strings, tuples, dicts, sets
  • file I/O
  • efficiency
  • classes and object oriented programming


Day 1: Python basics

Topics covered:

  • functions
  • lists
  • strings
  • tuples
  • mutable vs. immutable types
  • importing modules
  • file I/O
Time Activity
8:30-9 Welcome and Introductions
9-10 Lecture
10-12 Work on exercise
12-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2 Lecture
2-5 Work on assignment

Day 2: Dictionaries and sets

Topics covered:

  • dictionaries
  • sets
  • defaultdict and Counter
  • efficiency
Time Activity
8:30-9 Review Assignment Solutions
9-10 Lecture
10-12 Work on exercise
12-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2 Lecture
2-5 Work on assignment

Day 3: Object Oriented Programming

Topics covered:

  • classes
  • object oriented programming
Time Activity
8:30-9 Review Assignment Solutions
9-10 Lecture
10-12 Work on exercise
12-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2 Lecture
2-5 Work on assignment

Day 4: Review

Topics covered:

  • structuring a program
  • review of topics
Time Activity
8:30-9 Review Assignment Solutions
9-12 Final exercise
12-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2 Review solutions