In competitive programming contests, one must solve well-defined problems by writing computer programs under specified constraints (Wikipedia). Typically, the most popular language is C++, followed by Java and Python.
I am currently not updating the following pages:
- README's for most implementations
- tables and solutions for non-platinum USACO contests
Since I frequently move stuff around, some text may refer to files which no longer exist. If you would like to contribute, provide feedback, or encourage me to update something, please email me at or submit a pull request.
I recommend that you use C++, even if you already know some other language such as Java or Python. A solid foundation in math (ex. AIME qualification) can help greatly.
- C++ Tutorial
- you don't need to understand everything about pointers / classes the first time through
- CodeSignal
- good place to practice basics
- AtCoder
- beginner contests!
Check out the following links. Also see the material in the "Resources" folder (especially "Questions").
- IOI: Getting Started
- Schedule for Beginners
- Philippines OI: Prepare
- E869120 Tutorial
- personally I didn't do this, but you might find it helpful