Cheetah is an animation utility on iOS with Swift. Cheetah can animate any properties since Cheetah uses simple CADisplayLink run loop to change animated properties.
- iOS 8.0~
- Swift 2.0
- Animation with duration and delay
- Changing with absolute/relative properties
- Parallel/Serial executions
- Easings
- Springs
Carthage is a simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa.
To install Cheetah, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:
github "suguru/Cheetah"
// Create view
let box = UIView(frame:CGRectMake(100,100,50,50))
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
// Move to 100px right
box.cheetah.move(100, 0).run()
Cheetah has several methods to animate properties easily. You can also animate your own properties with extending CheetahProperty.
- move
- position (absolute of move)
- scale
- rotate
- rotation (absolute of rotate)
- size
- frame
- alpha
- backgroundColor
- textColor
- borderColor
- borderWidth
- borderRadius
- custom properties
Cheetah groups animation properties and execute them at once.
.move(100, 0)
.rotate(M_PI * 2)
will wait until all animations placed before it completed.
It can also receive seconds to wait to start next animation.
.move(100, 0).rotate(M_PI)
.move(-100, 0).rotate(-M_PI)
.wait(1.0) // <- wait 1 sec to start next animation
.move(0, -20).duration(0.4)
.move(0, 20).duration(0.4)
Cheetah has duration and delay to each animation properties.
.move(100, 0).duration(1.0).delay(1.0)
.move(-100, 0).duration(0.4)
Duration will be copied from the property placed before.
.move(100, 0) // <- will have 0.5 sec duration
.rotate(M_PI) // <- will have 0.5 sec duration
To repeat animations, use repeatCount(count: Int)
To repeat forever, use forever
Cheetah supports various easing functions. You can also add custom easings with quad bezier points.
view.cheetah.move(150, 150)
Supported eassing equations
- Linear
- Sine
- Quad
- Quart
- Quint
- Circ
- Cubic
- Expo
- Back
- Bounce
- Elastic
Cheetah supports spring dynamics with tension and friction parameters.
.move(200, 0)
.move(200, 0)
.spring(tension: 100, friction: 4)
You can extend CheetahProperty to animate custom properties. You can refer CheetahViewProperties.swift and CheetahLayerProperties.swift.