Looking for hacktoberfest swag? You've come to the right place.
"Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software." - DigitalOcean
Hacktoberfest is open to everyone. For the official limited edition Hacktoberfest shirt, you must register and make four pull requests in the month of October - you can even contribute to this repository! You can sign up at https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com.
Hacktoberfest® encourages participation in the open source community.
In all of the hacktoberfest excitement, many companies want to join the celebration by rewarding their contributors with even more swag! That's why we're here!
Who / Sponsors | What | How | Additional Details |
DigitalOcean + DEV | Four pull requests to any public repo on GitHub. | https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/ (Verified 2019) | |
Accord | Create one or more merged pull requests to Accord Project. | https://www.accordproject.org/events/hacktoberfest-2019/ (Verified 2019) | |
Appwrite | Create one or more merged pull requests to any Appwrite repository. | https://medium.com/appwrite-io/hacktoberfest-2019-is-almost-here-lets-celebrate-it-together-24b311236dd (Verified 2019) | |
Aras Labs | 1 PR: Sticker pack from Aras, 5 PRs: Exclusive t-shirt from Aras, new Aras Community Project: Sticker pack from Aras and Exclusive t-shirt from Aras | http://community.aras.com/en/join-aras-labs-hacktoberfest-2018/ (Verified 2018) | |
Circle CI | 1 to 3 pull requests: Limited-Edition Sticker. 4+ pull requests: Limited-Edition T-shirt | https://circleci-public.github.io/hacktoberfest/#/ (Verified 2019) | |
Devfolio | 4 or more pull requests: Limited-Edition Sticker, If your PRs turn out to be exceptional: Limited-Edition T-shirt | https://devfolio.co/blog/hacktoberfest-2019-devfolio/ (Verified 2019) | |
Hasura | "Make a PR to The Hasura GraphQL Engine or The GraphQL Tutorial Series. 2 hacktoberfest PRs for a 👕." | https://blog.hasura.io/hasura-joins-hacktoberfest-2019/ (Verified 2019) | |
JabRef | 1 merged pull request: sticker, 5 merged pull requests: 👕. Any repo on https://github.com/jabref/. | https://www.jabref.org/hacktoberfest/2019.html (Verified 2019) | |
Kong | "everyone who gets a PR accepted to a Kong repo can also get a sweet Kong Contributor T-shirt!" | https://discuss.konghq.com/t/contribute-to-kong-for-hacktoberfest/2029 (Verified 2018) | |
LBRY | "A sweet T-shirt for anyone who submits 3 PRs." | https://lbry.io/news/hacktoberfest (Verified 2018) | |
Magento | "submit 5 pull requests to either https://github.com/magento or https://github.com/adobe" | https://community.magento.com/t5/Magento-DevBlog/Squashtoberfest-2019/ba-p/143694 (Verified 2019) | |
MayaData | "anyone who submits a pull request to one of our github repos" gets a 👕, BEST PR gets a 💻 | https://blog.mayadata.io/mayadata-celebrates-hacktoberfest-2019 (Verified 2019) | |
Operation Code | "Resolve 3 issues and receive a white or black t-shirt! Merge 2 pull requests and receive stickers!" | https://github.com/OperationCode/START_HERE (Verified 2019) | |
Opsdroid | "Solve issues or improve documentation. 5–10 contributions is probably sticker worthy" | https://medium.com/opsdroid/contributor-sticker-packs-738058ceda59 (Verified 2019) | |
Parity | anyone who makes a significant contribution is eligible for a limited edition gym bag | https://www.parity.io/hacktoberfest-2019-parity/ (Verified 2019) | |
Umbraco | "you’ll need to have at least 1 PR approved on any Umbraco repository" | https://umbraco.com/blog/hacktoberfest-2019/ (Verified 2019) | |
Uno | "anyone who contributes a pull request to the Uno Platform on GitHub between October 1 and October 31 will receive a Uno Platform T-shirt plus some limited edition swag." | https://platform.uno/uno-is-joining-hacktoberfest-2019/ (Verified 2019) | |
Valor | 1 PR: pen and sticker. 3 PRs: notepad or wooden phone stand. 5 PRs: pen, sticker, notepad, and a wooden phone stand. | https://valor-software.com/articles/hacktoberfest-2019-is-coming-and-ngx-bootstrap-strives-for-your-attention.html (Verified 2019) |
View some of this cool swag on Twitter.
Open source is changing the world – one pull request at a time.
Looking for a Hacktoberfest issue? 👉 https://github.com/search?utf8=✓&q=label%3AHacktoberfest&type=Issues
Looking for a good first issue? 👉 https://github.com/search?utf8=✓&q=label%3A"good+first+issue"&type=Issues or go to Up For Grabs.
Know of another hacktoberfest swag opportunity? Send a pull request!