
An example to export JIRA issues via java REST API of JIRA.

Primary LanguageJava

An introduction for usage of JIRA Java APIs.

I'll pick up as the example to export JIRA issues' summaries into Microsoft Excel. It is already provided as a standard function by Atlassian(*), but I hope this could be helpful for person who starts learning how to use JIRA Java APIs.

* JIRA Exporting Search Results to Microsoft Excel

Essential codes for searching JIRA issues are only two steps.;

    // 1. Create JiraRestClient with using AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory.
    JiraRestClientFactory factory = new AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory();
    URI uri = new URI("https://your-project-name.atlassian.net");
    jiraRestClient = factory.createWithBasicHttpAuthentication(uri, userName, password);

    // 2. Get SearchRestClient and search by jql(JIRA Query Language).
    SearchRestClient searchRestClient = jiraRestClient.getSearchClient();
    final Set<String> fields = new HashSet<String>();
    String jql = "status!=done"; // Only not done issues.
    SearchResult result = searchRestClient.searchJql(jql, max, offset, fields).claim();
    Iterable<Issue> issues = result.getIssues();
    List<Issue> list = new ArrayList<Issue>();
    for (final Issue issue : issues) {

JIRAのJava APIの使い方の紹介。

JIRAのissueの概要をMS エクセルに出力するJavaのプログラムを例にあげています。 既に標準機能として提供されている(*)のですが、JIRAのJava APIを学びたい人の役に立つと良いです。

* JIRA 検索結果を Microsoft Excel にエクスポートする
