I'll pick up as the example to export JIRA issues' summaries into Microsoft Excel. It is already provided as a standard function by Atlassian(*), but I hope this could be helpful for person who starts learning how to use JIRA Java APIs.
* JIRA Exporting Search Results to Microsoft Excel
// 1. Create JiraRestClient with using AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory.
JiraRestClientFactory factory = new AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory();
URI uri = new URI("https://your-project-name.atlassian.net");
jiraRestClient = factory.createWithBasicHttpAuthentication(uri, userName, password);
// 2. Get SearchRestClient and search by jql(JIRA Query Language).
SearchRestClient searchRestClient = jiraRestClient.getSearchClient();
final Set<String> fields = new HashSet<String>();
String jql = "status!=done"; // Only not done issues.
SearchResult result = searchRestClient.searchJql(jql, max, offset, fields).claim();
Iterable<Issue> issues = result.getIssues();
List<Issue> list = new ArrayList<Issue>();
for (final Issue issue : issues) {
JIRAのissueの概要をMS エクセルに出力するJavaのプログラムを例にあげています。 既に標準機能として提供されている(*)のですが、JIRAのJava APIを学びたい人の役に立つと良いです。
* JIRA 検索結果を Microsoft Excel にエクスポートする