Abdurrahman Dilmaç (abdurrahman.d at icloud dot com)
Muhammed Emin Güre (memingure at gmail dot com)
Project Advisor: Prof. Tuna Tuğcu
5G widely defines network slicing concept which aims to provide different and separate dedicated logical networks that can be customized to respective services. All slices under a cloud infrastructure are put together with their different requirements, e.g. bandwidth, latency
The purpose of this project is to provide a simulation suite for a network consisting of base stations and clients that possible scenarios of 5G can fit into and make analysis of different concepts easier.
- Discrete event simulation
- Using Python 3.7, Simpy, Matplotlib, KDTree
- YAML for reading input configurations
- Asynchronous programming
- Definitions:
- Clients: Simulation consumers. Generates consume requests by given distribution parameters.
- Slices of Base Stations: Simulation resources.
simulation_time: 100 # in seconds
num_clients: 100
limit_closest_base_stations: 5 # how many base stations stored in a client instance
warmup_ratio: 0.05 # statistic collection will start from this point
cooldown_ratio: 0.05 # statistic collection will end at this point
# Statistic collection will be in this area of the coordinate system
min: 0
max: 1980
min: 0
max: 1980
logging: False # saving logs to a file
log_file: output.txt # name of the log file
plotting: True # plot the statistics after execution
plot_save: True # save plot as image
plot_show: False # show plot after execution
plot_file: output.png # name of the plot image
plot_file_dpi: 1000 # dots per inch for plot image
scatter_size: 15
slice_name: # name of the slice
delay_tolerance: 10
qos_class: 5
bandwidth_guaranteed: 0 # in bps
bandwidth_max: 100000000 # in bps
client_weight: 0.39 # [0,1] - ratio of the clients subscribed to this slice in the system. All weights for slices must be 1 in total
threshold: 0 # for dynamic slicing (future work)
# defines the bit usage pattern for client subscribed to this slice
distribution: randint # distribution name
params: # distribution parameters
- 4000000 # min value for this example
- 800000000 # max value for this example
- x: 182 # in meters
y: 1414 # in meters
capacity_bandwidth: 20000000000 # in bps
coverage: 224 # in meters
# ratios of the slices in this specific base station
# must be 1 in total for each base station
slice_name: 0.20 # [0,1]
slice_name_2: 0.59 # [0,1]
- ...
distribution: normal # distribution name
params: # distribution parameters
- 0 # mean value for this example
- 7 # standard deviation name for this example
client_weight: 0.10 # [0,1] - ratio of the clients assigned to this pattern in the system. All weights must be 1 in total
location: # populates the area with the given distributions
distribution: randint
- 0
- 1980
distribution: randint
- 0
- 1980
usage_frequency: # defines the usage generation intervals of clients
distribution: randint
- 0
- 100000
divide_scale: 1000000 # scaling factor
python -m slicesim <input-file.yml>
- Increasing number of clients increases used bandwidth, and yet the simulation showed that block ratio also elevates for this specific configurations.
This simulation tool can be used for such scenarios as well:
- Testing the effect of different dynamic slicing algorithms on block and handover ratios.
- Analyzing various mobility patterns of clients using different statistical distributions.
- Observing the effect of usage frequency of clients and the effect of clients those are distributed unequally.
- Various Proof of Concepts like common base stations for multiple service providers.
- Customizable shapes for base station coverages
- Improvements of the software performance
- Dynamic slicing mechanism
- Generation of more test configurations
- Video output of a running simulation
- 5GPPP Architecture Working Group. View on 5G Architecture. Version 2.0, December 2017
- CellMapper - https://www.cellmapper.net (10.05.2019)
- FatihMunicipalityGeographicInformationSystem- https://gis.fatih.bel.tr/webgis (13.05.2019)
- https://venturebeat.com/2018/12/12/decoding-5g-a-cheat- sheet-for-next-gen-cellular-concepts-and-jargon/ (17.03.2019)