Whisper Web Transcribe


  1. Download whisper.cpp and extract it to ./whisper-bin-x64
  2. Download ffmpeg and extract it to the root of the project
  3. Download yt-dlp and also extract it to the root of the project
  4. Run npm install to install dependencies
  5. Run node index.js to start the server
  6. Open localhost:3000 in your browser


  1. Enter a YouTube/TikTok video URL or upload a video file
  2. Wait for the video to be processed
  3. You will recieve the transcribed text in the text box


  • Incorporate ffmpeg into the project using the node module
  • Add yt-dlp to the project
  • Clean up bash scripts and turn them into node scripts
  • Clean up file structure for downloads
  • Add instructions or scripts to download whisper.cpp