
A simple CLI tool to post status to GitHub

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple CLI tool to post commit statuses to GitHub from CI. Supports CircleCI, Travis CI, and Codeship.


At Taskworld, we want to have fine-grain status report for each commit. This is a perfect use case for GitHub’s commit status API.


Configure CI to expose GitHub access token

commit-status will look for GitHub access from these environment variables, in this order:


That token should have repo:status scope.

You can create a bot account and obtain a token at https://github.com/settings/tokens/new.

Use with GitHub Enterprise

If you use GitHub Enterprise, then you can override the API endpoint by GITHUB_API environment variable.

env GITHUB_API=https://[hostname]/api/v3 commit-message ...



Inside your CI deps script, install commit-status there:

npm install -g commit-status

Post commit status

Whenever you want to post a commit status from CI, invoke the command:

commit-status <state> <context> <description> [<url>]
  • state — Either pending, success, error, failure
  • context — “A string label to differentiate this status from the status of other systems.”
  • description — “A short description of the status.”
  • url — The URL to display.

Example CircleCI setup:

    - |
      if gulp lint
      then commit-status success lint/eslint "Linting successful."
      else commit-status failure lint/eslint "There are lint errors."


const commitStatus = require('commit-status')

  state: 'success',
  context: 'lint/eslint',
  description: 'Linting successful.'