
Photo album management system based on face recognition

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Photo album management system based on face recognition

How to run this project

  • Install softwares:
    • Anaconda or other Python env
      • Install required modules
    • PostgreSQL or other relational database
      • See db folder for how to initialize database
    • Node.js
      • Run npm install in webui directory
  • start-service.bat starts the backend service.
  • start-webui.bat starts the web UI service which uses the backend service. Open a web browser to access the web UI.

Original Article

https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2018/07/09/face-clustering-with-python/ http://www.atyun.com/23521.html

How to run demo of the original article (not this project)

  • From Anaconda command line: conda activate py36_x86
    • To setup Python and modules: python3.6 x86
      • pip install imutils face_recognition scikit-learn
  • Encode faces: python encode_faces.py --dataset dataset --encodings encodings.pickle --detection-method hog
  • Cluster faces: python cluster_faces.py --encodings encodings.pickle