
A docker-compose configuration for a fully self-hosted excalidraw stack, a collaborative whiteboard solution

MIT LicenseMIT

Self-Hosted excalidraw

The goal is a docker-compose configuration for a fully self-hosted Excalidraw with collaboration support. The configuration is for a traefik setup and uses a MongoDB for the storage. Also includes mongo-express as a MongoDB admin interface.

The original version of excalidraw only supporting Firebase for the storage. For achieving a self-hosted storage, a modified version of excalidraw is used:

In combination with a http-storage:


  • Docker / Docker Compose
  • A traefik setup with a configured https entrypoint


Clone this repository: git clone git@github.com:Someone0nEarth/excalidraw-self-hosted.git

Create a copy of the env-example: cp .env-example .env and modifying the .env with your values.

Pull the images and start the containers: docker-compose up -d


Open the excalidraw app in your browser with the host you configured for APP_HOST, for example: https://excalidraw.your-domain.net

The mongo-express can be reached under the host you configured for MONGOEXPRESS_HOST, for example: https://excalidraw-db.your-domain.net

Current Limitations

The "Export" function to the Excalidraw+ workspace is not working/supported. Also there is no solution for self-hosting your own workspace yet.

Other Self-Hosted Solutions/Attemps

Have fun,
