
"send Config" won't work (Ubuntu 20)

adizag opened this issue · 6 comments

Unable to send config after flashing. nor get an IP address (shows xx.xx.xx.xx).
getting a message from Tasmotizer but nothing happens.


The problem with send config and IP read is that there is not 100% reliable way of checking device state after flashing.
Which device are you using? What settings?

Do you restart and/or power cycle the device after flashing?

I'm on Ubuntu 20, installed both with method 2 and 3 in the readme.
flashing sonoff T1, tried power cycle several times, Tried setting SSID MQTT settings.

I had some problems with pre-required python packages at the beginning (showed as an error in terminal) but I can't see any similar message now.

Workaround: use esptool

Having the same issue as @adizag. On v1.2.1

Send config was done after power cycling and removing connection to GND. However, in all trials so far it didn't work either with ESP8266-01 or ESP8266 12-E NodeMCU