Please install or have installed the following:
Install virtualenv, if you haven't already. Here is a simple way to install venv.
python -m pip install --user virtualenv
python -m virtualenv --help
Or, if that doesn't work, via pipx
pipx install virtualenv
virtualenv --help
Create a Virtual Environments and active venv
python3 -m virtualenv venv
cd venv/bin
source activate
After that you need install telebot, and ipfs that we're going to use it to store our metadata
pip install web3
pip install eth-brownie
pip install ipfshttpclient
pip install pyTelegramBotAPI
Run this command to initalize ipfs:
ipfs daemon
export IPFS_FILE_URL = "File_url"
export IPFS_CONNECT_URL= "Connect_url"
Deploy the smart contract using brownie:
First clone this repository and then deploy the smart contract. I used Remix for compiling and deploying the contract.
Now you need to set your Api_key and web3_provider(Alchemy or Infura)
Use @botFather to create your bot and get Api_key
export WEB3_PROVIDER= "Web3_provider"
export API_KEY= "Api_key"
Finally use this command to run the bot.