
A ktlint gradle plugin

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Ktlint Gradle

Provides a convenient wrapper plugin over the ktlint project.

Latest plugin version: 9.2.1

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This plugin creates convenient tasks in your Gradle project that run ktlint checks or do code auto format.

Plugin can be applied to any project, but only activates if that project has the kotlin plugin applied. The assumption being that you would not want to lint code you weren't compiling.

Table of content

Supported Kotlin plugins

This plugin supports following kotlin plugins:

  • "kotlin"
  • "kotlin-android"
  • "kotlin2js"
  • "kotlin-platform-common"
  • "kotlin-platform-js"
  • "kotlin-platform-jvm"
  • "kotlin-multiplatform"
  • project kotlin script files
  • "org.jetbrains.kotlin.js"

If you know any new Kotlin plugin that are not in this list - please, open a new issue.

How to use

Minimal supported versions

This plugin was written using the new API available for gradle script kotlin builds. This API is available in new versions of gradle.

Minimal supported Gradle version: 5.4.1

Minimal supported ktlint version: 0.22.0

Ktlint plugin

Simple setup

Build script snippet for use in all Gradle versions:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
  dependencies {
    classpath "org.jlleitschuh.gradle:ktlint-gradle:<current_version>"

apply plugin: "org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint"
buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {

apply(plugin = "org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint")

Using new plugin API

Build script snippet for new, incubating, plugin mechanism introduced in Gradle 2.1:

plugins {
  id "org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint" version "<current_version>"

Applying to subprojects

Optionally apply plugin to all project modules:

subprojects {
    apply plugin: "org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint" // Version should be inherited from parent
    // Optionally configure plugin
    ktlint {
       debug = true
subprojects {
    apply(plugin = "org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint") // Version should be inherited from parent
    // Optionally configure plugin
    ktlint {

IntelliJ Idea Only Plugin

Note: This plugin is automatically applied by the main ktlint plugin.

This plugin just adds special tasks that can generate IntelliJ IDEA codestyle rules using ktlint.

Idea plugin simple setup

For all gradle versions:

Use the same buildscript logic as above, but with this instead of the above suggested apply line.

apply plugin: "org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint-idea"

Idea plugin setup using new plugin API

Build script snippet for new, incubating, plugin mechanism introduced in Gradle 2.1:

plugins {
  id("org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint-idea") version "<current_version>"


The following configuration block is optional.

If you don't configure this the defaults defined in the KtlintExtension object will be used.

The version of ktlint used by default may change between patch versions of this plugin. If you don't want to inherit these changes then make sure you lock your version here.

import org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint.reporter.ReporterType

ktlint {
    version = "0.22.0"
    debug = true
    verbose = true
    android = false
    outputToConsole = true
    outputColorName = "RED"
    ignoreFailures = true
    enableExperimentalRules = true
    additionalEditorconfigFile = file("/some/additional/.editorconfig")
    disabledRules = ["final-newline"]
    reporters {
        reporter "plain"
        reporter "checkstyle"
        customReporters {
            "csv" {
                fileExtension = "csv"
                dependency = project(":project-reporters:csv-reporter")
            "yaml" {
                fileExtension = "yml"
                dependency = "com.example:ktlint-yaml-reporter:1.0.0"
    kotlinScriptAdditionalPaths {
        include fileTree("scripts/")
    filter {

dependencies {
    ktlintRuleset "com.github.username:rulseset:master-SNAPSHOT"
    ktlintRuleset files("/path/to/custom/rulseset.jar")
    ktlintRuleset project(":chore:project-ruleset") 

or in kotlin script:

import org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint.reporter.ReporterType

ktlint {
    reporters {
        customReporters {
            register("csv") {
                fileExtension = "csv"
                dependency = project(":project-reporters:csv-reporter")
            register("yaml") {
                fileExtension = "yml"
                dependency = "com.example:ktlint-yaml-reporter:1.0.0"
    kotlinScriptAdditionalPaths {
    filter {

dependencies {

Custom reporters

Note: If Ktlint custom reporter creates report output file internally, for example:

class CsvReporter(
    private val out: PrintStream
) : Reporter {
    override fun onLintError(file: String, err: LintError, corrected: Boolean) {
        val line = "$file;${err.line};${err.col};${err.ruleId};${err.detail};$corrected"
        File("some_other_file.txt").write(line) // <-- Here!!!

"some_other_file.txt" won't be captured as task output. This may lead to the problem, that task will always be not "UP_TO_DATE" and caching will not work.


This repository provides following examples how to setup this plugin:

Tasks Added

Main tasks

This plugin adds two maintasks to every source set: ktlint[source set name]SourceSetCheck and ktlint[source set name]SourceSetFormat. Additionally, a simple ktlintCheck task has also been added that checks all of the source sets for that project. Similarly, a ktlintFormat task has been added that formats all of the source sets.

Android projects, additionally, will have meta tasks for Android variants, that will process all source sets in variant. For example, if app has foo flavor, following meta tasks will be added: ktlintFooDebugCheck, ktlintFooReleaseCheck, ktlintFooDebugFormat, ktlintFooReleaseFormat.

Additionally plugin adds two task for project kotlin script files: ktlintKotlinScriptCheck and ktlintKotlinScriptFormat.

Additional helper tasks

Following additional tasks are added:

  • ktlintApplyToIdea - The task generates IntelliJ IDEA (or Android Studio) Kotlin style files in the project .idea/ folder. Note that this tasks will overwrite the existing style file.
  • ktlintApplyToIdeaGlobally - The task generates IntelliJ IDEA (or Android Studio) Kotlin style files in the user home IDEA (or Android Studio) settings folder. Note that this task will overwrite the existing style file.
  • addKtlintCheckGitPreCommitHook - adds Git pre-commit hook, that runs ktlint check over staged files.
  • addKtlintFormatGitPreCommitHook - adds Git pre-commit hook, that runs ktlint format over staged files and adds fixed files back to commit.

All this additional tasks are always added only to the root project.


  • Is it possible to not stop tasks execution if some of subprojects tasks failed?

Yes. Just use gradle --continue option:

$ ./gradlew --continue ktlintCheck

No. This approaches are not equivalent how they work. The problem that plugin may not find some of kotlin plugins if both approaches are used in the project configuration. Especially it is related to Android plugin.

  • Does plugin check changed files incrementally?

Yes, check tasks support it. On first run task will check all files in the source set, on subsequent runs it will check only added/modified files.

Format tasks does not check file incrementally.

  • I could not filter dynamically attached sources that are located outside of the project dir.

Gradle based filtering are only working for files located inside project (subproject) folder, see gradle/gradle#3417 To filter files outside project dir, use:

exclude { element -> element.file.path.contains("generated/") }



Import the settings.gradle.kts file into your IDE.

To enable the Android sample either define the ANDROID_HOME environmental variable or add a local.properties file to the project root folder with the following content:



Building the plugin: ./plugin/gradlew build

On how to run the current plugin snapshot check on sample projects: ./gradlew ktlintCheck

Running tests from IDEA IDE

To run tests in IDEA IDE, firstly you need to run following gradle task (or after any dependency change):

$ ./plugin/gradlew pluginUnderTestMetadata

Optionally you can add this step test run configuration.


Ktlint Gradle Plugin on the Gradle Plugin Registry