
This is the MMA 2023 Python Opt-out Assignment by Lin Ye


After graduation from Rotman, a comfortable place is needed to be chosen for living and working. The first step is to find the best province in Canada. I particularly love natural scenes and love those trails and parks, so I want to visualize the number of those facilities in each province within Canada, and make comparisons to help me make the decision :)



Python and Conda need to be installed in advance.

Note that some GIS libraries does NOT work on newest version of python, let's setup virutal env here.

conda create --name ArcGIS python=3.9
conda activate ArcGIS
conda install -c esri arcgis
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Code

  1. Open main.ipynb in VSCode or Jupyter Notebook, choose the ArcGIS env.
  2. Change the CLIENT_ID in the second cell to your own one.
  3. Run All