Executive Software Consultant ▪ Professor at University of Vassouras
@UniversidadeDeVassouras Brazil
Pinned Repositories
An Android framework that pull data from iTunes API
A library that provides an audio player to android applications
A simple Android app to measure distance traveled by car, on foot or bicycle in the day-to- day. It aims to demonstrate the use of Google APIs related to capture and handling locations.
A simple Android application to search videogames and its games. It aims to test new frameworks version and show some skills. I 'm going to use Dagger, Mockito for mock unit tests, JUnit for tradicional unit tests, Retrofit, Gson, Picasso, ButterKnife and Android Design Support Library. I’ve developed this project using MVP architecture and I’ve “programmed to an interface” to be able to do inversion of control. My view layer is the more passive as possible and in this way I can focus my unit tests on presenter and model layers. I like to strongly separate each layer and charge the presenter to call the other layers.
Movie Check is an Android application developed to be the capstone project for Udacity Android Nanodegree. Movie Check allows you to be informed about upcoming movies, movies that is being played now at cinemas, top rated movies, popular movies and be recommended to watch some movies that you possibly will like. If you liked a recommendation of a movie after get informations about it like description, celebrities that worked in cast or crew, videos of trailers and reviews, you can add it in a list of interests to watch on your free time. Or else, if you has already watched a movie, you can classify it and help the app to learn what you really like.
A part of the Android Developer Nanodegree program. Built an app, optimized for tablet, that displays an artist's top 10 tracks on Spotify. The user interface allows for search capability, displays a list of the top 10 tracks in a scrolling list complete with album art, and provides streaming playback of audio using Android's mediaplayer API.
tassioauad's Repositories
Movie Check is an Android application developed to be the capstone project for Udacity Android Nanodegree. Movie Check allows you to be informed about upcoming movies, movies that is being played now at cinemas, top rated movies, popular movies and be recommended to watch some movies that you possibly will like. If you liked a recommendation of a movie after get informations about it like description, celebrities that worked in cast or crew, videos of trailers and reviews, you can add it in a list of interests to watch on your free time. Or else, if you has already watched a movie, you can classify it and help the app to learn what you really like.
A simple Android app to measure distance traveled by car, on foot or bicycle in the day-to- day. It aims to demonstrate the use of Google APIs related to capture and handling locations.
A part of the Android Developer Nanodegree program. Built an app, optimized for tablet, that displays an artist's top 10 tracks on Spotify. The user interface allows for search capability, displays a list of the top 10 tracks in a scrolling list complete with album art, and provides streaming playback of audio using Android's mediaplayer API.
A simple Android application to search videogames and its games. It aims to test new frameworks version and show some skills. I 'm going to use Dagger, Mockito for mock unit tests, JUnit for tradicional unit tests, Retrofit, Gson, Picasso, ButterKnife and Android Design Support Library. I’ve developed this project using MVP architecture and I’ve “programmed to an interface” to be able to do inversion of control. My view layer is the more passive as possible and in this way I can focus my unit tests on presenter and model layers. I like to strongly separate each layer and charge the presenter to call the other layers.
An Android framework that pull data from iTunes API
A library that provides an audio player to android applications
A part of the Android Developer Nanodegree program. Used Gradle to build a joke-telling app that has both a free and paid version. This included factoring functionality into libraries as well as using build flavors to modularize the construction of each variant of the app. I also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.
Airwar is a minigame that aims to study Javascript OOP. It doesn't aims to be beautiful or awesome to play =D. I'm trying to join in the One Game A Month(http://www.onegameamonth.com/) that a gamedev challenge where the quest is to create one game each month.
A simple application developed as a challenge of Google Developer Groups of Três Rios. This application aims to provides information about a big business meeting that happened at city, showing details about shows, courses and lectures.
Exercícios de desenvolvimento de software
The final project with React Native for the React Nano Degree at Udacity.
Starting code for the GildedRose Refactoring Kata in many programming languages.
A collection of useful .gitignore templates
A part of the Android Developer Nanodegree program. In this project, will be build a wearable watch face for a tablet/smartphone application to run on an Android Wear device.
A part of the Android Developer Nanodegree program. Designed and built an app that shows off the projects created as part of the Android Developer Nanodegree program.
A PHP MVC and RESTFul MicroFramework Skeleton
My ZendFramework 2 Validator Pack
A part of the Android Developer Nanodegree program. Added enhancements to two apps in order to make them production ready. The work included ensuring errors were handled gracefully, building a widget for the home screen, support for screen readers, optimizations for localization, and barcode scanning via a library.
Legacy Code Retreat - Grenoble 2011
A part of the Android Developer Nanodegree program. This project gives an opportunity to improve an app’s design, a vital skill for building apps users will love. It also replicates a common developer task of updating and changing an app's design as new standards are released.
ZF2 Messenger Module
ZF2 Module which deal with access to your system