
Primary LanguageJava


This is a book management application built with Java and Spring Boot. It provides functionality to manage books and authors.


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 11 or higher
  • Maven
  • Docker, Docker-Compose (optional)

Getting Started

Follow the steps below to run the application using the Maven wrapper and build a Docker image.

1. Clone the Repository

git clone <repository-url>
cd library

2. Run Complete Build with Tests

From the cloned directory run 'clean install' with the maven wrapper.

# Run the whole build and package flow
./mvnw clean install

# Test only
./mvnw clean test

3. Application Spring Profiles

Two different spring profiles can be used to select which database, either postgres or the in memory H2 database.

On a unix system you can use these from your shell session. Alternatively you may change the profile in /src/main/resources/application.yaml


4. Running Locally (h2 database)

You can run the spring boot application like so. By default it will run with the in memory H2 database.

./mvnw spring-boot:run

5. Running Locally (postgres)

When using the postgres profile, the connection can be configured using the following environment variables:

  • POSTGRES_URL The connection string for the postgres database specifying the host, port and database, default: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
  • POSTGRES_USERNAME The DB account username, default: postgres
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD The DB account password default: postgres

If using the included docker-compose container for postgres then the default values can be used.

Using docker-compose to run postgres and the application locally:

# set your database connection variables
export POSTGRES_URL=jdbc:postgresql://{your-db-host}:{your-db-port}/{your-database}
export POSTGRES_USERNAME={your-username}
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD={your-password}
# set the application to run with postgres
# start the application
./mvnw spring-boot:run

6. Running it all with docker-compose! (optional)

If you have docker and docker-compose installed on your system and you want to run the application with docker-compose then that will be the easiest way!

# Build the application
./mvnw clean install
# Build the library app docker image
docker build -t library:latest .
# Run the postgres database and the app with docker-compose!
docker-compose up

You can now access the service on http://localhost:8080/book!


  • Logging integration, SLF4j + Logback?
  • method names alignment
  • additional validation
  • Separate Service and respository tests, mock repository layer in service tests