
HammingDistance Sequential & Parallel code using OpenMP and Pthread

Primary LanguageC

#1 step

chmod +x run.sh

#2 step

./run.sh ##compiles and create .o for each case

#3 step

#how to run executable files

./executable_name n m I nthreads ##arguments (n m I nthreads)

##executable_names HD --hamming distance siquential

hdoa --hamming distance openmp case A

hdob --hamming distance openmp case B

hdoc --hamming distance openmp case C

hdpa --hamming distance pthreads case A

hdpb --hamming distance pthreads case B

hdpc --hamming distance pthreads case C

##read block comments in each .c file for more information about cases (A,B,C) ##ignore warning for casting (void*) in pthread