
The AutoFill with OTP Chrome extension automates filling in usernames, passwords, and One-Time Passwords (OTP) on designated web pages. It simplifies logins for sites with OTP security, ensuring user data remains safe.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AutoFill-with-OTP Extension




The AutoFill with OTP Chrome extension is a seamless solution that automates the process of inputting usernames, passwords, and One-Time Passwords (OTP) on user-specified web pages. Designed for enhancing the user experience on sites requiring added OTP security, the extension ensures efficient logins while prioritizing data security.

Key Features

  • Swift Autofill: Automatically inputs username and password on designated web pages.
  • On-the-Go OTP Generation: Instantly produces OTPs for login procedures.
  • Clipboard Functionality: Enables quick copying of OTP to the clipboard.
  • Auto Submission: Submit login forms automatically post OTP generation and input.

Structure Project

├── _locales/                  # For internationalization (if needed)
│   ├── en/
│   │   └── messages.json
│   └── [other languages]/
├── assets/                    # Store images and other assets
│   ├── images/
│   │   ├── icon16.png
│   │   ├── icon48.png
│   │   └── icon128.png
│   └── ...
├── js/
│   ├── background/
│   │   └── background.js      # Background script logic
│   │
│   ├── content/
│   │   └── content.js         # Content script logic
│   │
│   ├── popup/
│   │   └── popup.js           # JS for popup controls and interactions
│   │
│   └── libs/
│       └── [libraries].js     # External libraries, e.g., OTP generation library
├── css/
│   └── popup.css              # Styling for the popup if needed
├── html/
│   └── popup.html             # HTML structure of the popup
├── manifest.json              # Manifest file
└── README.md                  # Project documentation and instructions



  • Google Chrome browser.
  • Git (for cloning the repository).


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/tasszz2k/AutoFill-with-OTP
  2. Open Chrome Extensions Page:

    • Launch your Chrome browser.
    • Enter chrome://extensions/ in the address bar.
    • Toggle on "Developer mode" located in the top right corner.
  3. Load the Extension:

    • Select "Load unpacked" and navigate to the directory of the cloned repository.
    • The AutoFill with OTP extension should now appear in your list of Chrome extensions.
  4. Initial Configuration:

    • Click on the newly added extension icon in your browser toolbar.
    • Follow the on-screen prompts to set it up for your desired websites.


  1. Accessing the Extension:

    • Click on the AutoFill with OTP extension icon in your browser toolbar to reveal the popup interface.
  2. Input User Details:

    • Enter your preferred username, password, OTP secret key, and specify the URLs on which you'd like the autofill feature.
  3. Experience Seamless Logins:

    • When you visit any of the designated URLs, the extension will automatically populate the username and password fields and instantly generate an OTP.
  4. Quick OTP Access:

    • Should you need to copy the OTP, use the "Copy OTP" function within the extension's popup for quick clipboard access.
  5. Configuration Management:

    • To modify or update configurations, simply access the extension's popup and make the necessary changes.


From Backup OTP Secret Authenticator

  • If you are using the Authenticator extension, follow this guideline to migrate your OTP secret key to AutoFill with OTP extension.


Must-Have Features

  • Input username, password, secret key (for OTP generation), and URLs of the website to be autofilled
  • Store user data in local storage
  • Autofill username and password fields
  • Filter URLs
  • Generate OTP
  • Copy OTP to clipboard
  • Automatically submit a login form

Nice-to-Have Features

  • Encrypt user data
  • Show current configurations, mask sensitive data
  • Enhance UI/UX