
Capstone project FPTU - Team LABATE: Mentoring Me

Primary LanguageJava

MentoringME [BACKEND]


1. Document

2. API Document

3. Structure project

Workforce MentoringME Backend documents


The MentoringME Backend is a web application that is used to:

  • Connect with the students and mentors without third-party services
  • Provide a platform for students to find mentors
  • Provide a platform for mentors to find students
  • ...


More details can be found here.


Environment Domain
LAB https://mentoring-me.labatelab.com
PRODUCTION https://mentoring-me.labate.com

Tech stack

Dependent services

Name Type Version Desc
Mysql Database 8.0 Mysql replication with Master/Slave mode, binlog enable

Development platform/language

Service/Apps Language Platform/Lib
Backends Java Spring Framework 2.5.8

Third-party services

Name Purpose Type Desc


More details can be found here.


The components are scoped into only 3 main sections:

More details can be found here.

Third-party integration


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|*** [FPT] LABATE ***                                              |