
Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


Build Status

Add-on for BentoBox to allow players of Gamemode Addons to fly on their island.

How to use

  1. Place the .jar in the addons folder of the BentoBox plugin
  2. Restart the server
  3. The addon will create a data folder and inside the folder will be a config.yml
  4. Edit the config.yml if required
  5. Restart the server if you make a change


There are only two options in the config:

fly-timeout How many seconds the addon will wait before disabling fly mode when a player exit his island.

logout-disable-fly If the fly mode should be disabled when a player disconnect.


/is fly - This command toggles flight On and Off


[gamemode].island.fly - For usage of flight command

Example: bskyblock.island.fly

[gamemode].island.flybypass - Enables user to use fly command on other islands too

Example: caveblock.island.flybypass