
A vim config

Primary LanguageNix

What is this?

My personal vim config, assembled with Nix, and using vim2nix.


nix run github:DieracDelta/vimconfig

What's enabled

A bunch of common stuff:

  • Treesitter 'n co
  • LSP for the languages I use
    • trouble for errors
  • DAP (only set up with the rust adapter so far)
  • Git:
    • Neogit (magit for vim)
    • blamer for seeing who wrote what
    • gitsigns for viewing changed LoC
  • Surround-nvim for selecting text areas
  • Telescope 'n co
  • Leap
  • Wilder
  • Autopairs
  • Guess-indent for indentation
  • Which-key for keys
  • Copilot, Codeium, and Chatgpt for AI driven development
  • Parinfer for lisp
  • Cornelus for agda
  • ltex + ngram for grammarly-esque support
  • random lsps that are useful