
This project comes to create a simple task scheduler with an option to add a configuration to it.

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Task Scheduler

This project provides a simple task scheduler that manages and runs tasks concurrently. Tasks are represented as objects and they can fail or succeed based on a configurable probability. The scheduler handles retries if a task fails and provides a summary of all tasks' statuses.


  • config.py: This module loads configurations from config.ini. It sets up logging and the database, and also initializes various constants used throughout the project.

  • example_task.py: Contains ExampleTask, a subclass of Task. This task fails based on a probability and showcases how one might define custom tasks.

  • main.py: The main execution point of the scheduler. It initializes tasks, sets up the scheduler, and handles interruptions.

  • scheduled_task.py: Represents a task that is scheduled and contains logic for retries. It interacts with the database to fetch or persist task-related data.

  • scheduler.py: The core scheduler that manages and runs tasks concurrently. Uses threading and a queue to manage tasks.

  • task.py: Abstract base class that represents a task. All tasks must implement the run method defined here.

  • task_status.py: Enum class that defines various statuses a task can be in, along with their descriptions and whether they are retryable.

Getting Started:

  1. Ensure you have the required configurations set up in config.ini.
  2. Run main.py or python3 main.py to start the scheduler and execute tasks.