Dempster-Shafer Τheory Application in Recommender Systems and Comparison of Constraint Programming’s and Möbius Transform’s Implementation

In this repository you can find my Thesis for my Diploma (BSc) in Informatics and Telecommunications, from the National Kapodistrian University of Athens ( The title of the thesis is "Dempster-Shafer Τheory Application in Recommender Systems and Comparison of Constraint Programming’s and Möbius Transform’s Implementation".

Theory - Report

The thesis with the corresponding technical APPENDIX (ANNEX in this case) is found in Thesis.pdf.


The implementation is in the folder implementation.


In order to execute the code ECLiPSe 6.1, Python 2.7 & 3.10, rpy2, PyCLP should be installed in the machine. If you find difficulties in installing the PyCLP please refer to the ANNEX in the Thesis-Report.

Code structure

In each folder you will find a bash script (.sh) that runs multiple executions of the code.

For the code structure and the functionality of each module, please refer to the Thesis in Chapters 6 and 7 respectively.


The dataset won't be provided here, as it is large, but can be found in :

The dataset should be placed inside application_prolog folder and saved with the name 'vodclickstream_uk_movies_03.csv' in order for the code to work.