The requirement for this end of week challenge was to build a small Twitter clone that allows the users to post messages to a public stream.
As a user
I want to post a message (peep) to chitter
So that I can let people know what I am doing
As a user
I want to see the time at which it was made
So that I can better appreciate the context of a peep
As a user
I want to see all peeps in reverse chronological order
So that I can see what others are saying
As a user
I want to sign up for Chitter
So that I can post messages on Chitter as me
As a user
I want to log in to Chitter
So that only I can post messages on Chitter as me
As a user
I want to log out of Chitter
So that I can avoid others posting messages on Chitter as me
Edge cases also covered:
- user can't sign up if already in session
- user can't log in if already logged in
- user can't log in without the correct password
- user can't signup/log in without correct format and values for username, email and password
- error messages display using flash for a better UX
- passwords are encrypted with Bcrypt
- user can only add peep if logged in
- add peeps page is not accessible unless a user is in session
- Project set up following the ruby web project setup list
- TDD with 100% test coverage
- Built using Ruby, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, RSpec, Capybara, Sinatra
- clone this repo
- navigate to chitter-challenge directory
- run bundle to ensure all gems available
- run rspec to check test coverage
- to set up the database :
> connect to `psql`
> create the `chitter` database: CREATE DATABASE chitter;
> create the `chitter_test` database: CREATE DATABASE chitter_test;
> To set up the appropriate tables, connect to the database in `psql` and run the SQL scripts in the `db/migrations` folder in the given order.
- to run the Chitter app: