
item recommender using custom similarity metrics with spark

Primary LanguageScala

Recommender engine

Implementation of content based recommender engine based on item similarity. Requirements and the custom similarity metrics are described in instructions

Similarity metrics and weights

The calculated similarity metric between two items is a tuple where the first element is the number of matching attributes (integer from 0 to 10) and the second element is calculated as follows. We take the binary array of matches and give weights to each attribute match by converting the array to the decimal number (the least important attribute att-j has the weight 2^0, attribute att-i is weighted 2^1 etc. until att-a that weights 2^9). Attribute precedence is then calculated by summing the weights for each attribute match. Final ordering sorts by the number of matches first and by attribute precedence next (e.g. (5, 710) is greater than (4, 912), (5, 653) is greater than (5, 611)).

First prototype solution

Prototype solution is given in HelloSparkPlayground. It takes a sku id, calculates recommendations and prints them to the console. This script was used during the development of the recommendation algorithm. It is far from being production ready.

Extended solution with web service

More useful recommender engine would expose results as a web service. For this functionality akka-http was used. The server is started in RecommendEngine and it accepts GET requests on http://localhost:8080/recommend endpoint. The input sku parameter should also be included in the request. Example request:

curl http://localhost:8080/recommend/?sku=sku-1295

The results are returned as a list of 10 sku ids with the corresponding weights.

How to execute recommendation request

To start the server sbt run and choose RecommendEngine. After the server starts, send requests as described above. Alternatively, sbt "run sku-123" and choose HelloSparkPlayground to see recommendations printed on the console.

Improvements and future work

Given that input data is static (assuming item attributes are updated or new items added daily in best case), the efficient solution would pre-calculate the recommendations for all items and store them to the external datastore. On recommendation request the result then just needs to be read and returned (no spark session involved and no computations happening for each request). The (nightly) batch job could be set up to update recommendations. Frequency of recomputations depends on the dynamic of the data set.

In addition, the spark query that takes the sku id and similarity matrix in order to filter, sort and take top n recommendations could possibly be optimized (function getRecommendations in SparkRecommender). Currently it is slow.

There is a number of other (minor) improvements to be explored.

Currently the all-pairs similarity matrix contains pairs with the similarity score (0, 0), i.e. zero matches. With the given data set the number of these pairs is approx. 100M which is half the size of the similarity matrix. Perhaps reducing the size of the similarity matrix by filtering out zero-matches pairs helps improve the performance of computation. Naturally, filtering is done just once and the resulting similarity matrix memoized so that it can be used for the subsequent recommendations.

Another alternative route to explore is to possibly use mleap to remove the dependency from the spark session and load the pre-computed model.

Of course, many code improvements are due. The most important one is to add tests that are currently missing (sorry!). In addition, error handling has to be improved significantly (at least the input parameter checks and the more informative message in the server response than just internal error with the status code 500).

Regarding the web service, consider adding blocking dispatcher to avoid starving the routing infrastructure. More information can be found here.

These points are marked with //TODO in the code.