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Attaching secondary network interfaces that is linked to different network interfaces on host (NIC) to pod provides benefits of network segmentation and top-up network bandwidth in the containerization system.

Multi-NIC CNI is the CNI plugin operating on top of Multus CNI. However, unlike Multus, instead of defining and handling each secondary network interface one by one, this CNI automatically discovers all available secondary interfaces and handles them as a NIC pool. With this manner, it can provide the following benefits.

i) Common secondary network definition: User can manage only one network definition for multiple secondary interfaces with a common CNI main plugin such as ipvlan, macvlan, and sr-iov.

ii) Common NAT-bypassing network solution: All secondary NICs on each host can be assigned with non-conflict CIDR and non-conflict L3 routing configuration that can omit an overlay networking overhead. Particularyly, the CNI is built-in with L3 IPVLAN solution composing of the following functionalities.

  1. Interface-host-devision CIDR Computation: compute allocating CIDR range for each host and each interface from a single global subnet with the number of bits for hosts and for interface.
  2. L3 Host Route Configuration: configure L3 routes (next hop via dev) in host route table according to the computed CIDR.
  3. Distributed IP Allocation Management: manage IP allocation/deallocation distributedly via the communication between CNI program and daemon at each host.

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iii) Policy-based secondary network attachment: Instead of statically set the desired host's master interface name one by one, user can define a policy on attaching multiple secondary network interfaces such as specifying only the number of desired interfaces, filtering only highspeed NICs.

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The Multi-NIC CNI architecture can be found here.


The Multi-NIC operator operates over a custom resource named MultiNicNetwork defined by users. This definition will define a Pod global subnet, common network definition (main CNI and IPAM plugin), and attachment policy. After deploying MultiNicNetwork, NetworkAttachmentDefinition with the same name will be automatically configured and created respectively.

# network.yaml
apiVersion: net.cogadvisor.io/v1
kind: MultiNicNetwork
  name: multi-nic-sample
  subnet: ""
  ipam: |
      "type": "multi-nic-ipam",
      "hostBlock": 6, 
      "interfaceBlock": 2,
      "vlanMode": "l3"
  multiNICIPAM: true
    cniVersion: "0.3.0"
    type: ipvlan
      mode: l3
    strategy: none
  - default
Argument Description Value Remarks
subnet cluster-wide subnet for all hosts and pods CIDR range currently support only v4
hostBlock number of address bits for host indexing int (n) the number of assignable host = 2^n
ipam ipam plugin config string ipam can be single-NIC IPAM (e.g., whereabouts, VPC-native IPAM) or multi-NIC IPAM (e.g., Multi-NIC IPAM Plugin)
multiNicIPAM indicator of ipam type bool true if ipam returns multiple IPs from masters key of NetworkAttachmentDefinition config at once, false if ipam returns only single IP from static config in ipam block
plugin main plugin config NetConf + plugin-specific arguments main plugin integration must implement Plugin with GetConfig function
attachPolicy attachment policy policy strategy with corresponding arguments to select host NICs to be master of secondary interfaces on Pod
namespaces list of namespaces to apply the network definitions (i.e., to create NetworkAttachmentDefinition resource) []string apply to all namespace if not specified. new item can be added to the list by kubectl edit to create new NetworkAttachmentDefinition. the created NetworkAttachmentDefinition must be deleted manually if needed.



  • Secondary interfaces attached to worker nodes, check terraform script here
  • Multus CNI installation; compatible with networkAttachmentDefinition and pod annotation in multus-cni v3.8
  • For IPVLAN L3 CNI, the following configurations are additionally required
    • enable allowing IP spoofing for each attached interface
    • set security group to allow IPs in the target container subnet
    • IPVLAN support (kernel version >= 4.2)
  • Utility tools
    • Environment substitution envsubst (gettext)
    • YAML processor yq (yq)

Install operator

1. Build CNI operator
  1. Clone the repo and enter the workspace
    git clone https://github.com/foundation-model-stack/multi-nic-cni.git
    cd multi-nic-cni-operator
  2. Make bundle
    make bundle
  3. Modify IMAGE_REGISTRY Makefile (Makefile) to target image repository for operator
  4. For private image registry, follow these additional steps to add image-pulling secret
    1. Put your secret for pulling operator image (operator-secret.yaml) to the secret folder
      mv operator-secret.yaml config/secret
    2. Run script to update relevant kustomization files
      export OPERATOR_SECRET_NAME=$(cat config/secret/operator-secret.yaml|yq .metadata.name)
      make operator-secret
  5. Build and push operator image
    make docker-build docker-push
2. Build CNI daemon
  1. Modify IMAGE_REGISTRY daemon Makefile (daemon/Makefile) to target repository for daemon
  2. For private image registry, follow these additional steps to add image-pulling secret
    1. Put your secret for pulling daemon image (daemon-secret.yaml) to the secret folder
      mv daemon-secret.yaml config/secret
    2. Run script to update relevant kustomization files
      export DAEMON_SECRET_NAME=$(cat config/secret/daemon-secret.yaml|yq .metadata.name)
      make daemon-secret
  3. Build and push daemon image
    # build environment: 
    #   Linux systems with netlink library
    cd daemon
    make docker-build-push
    This will also build the cni binary and copy the built binary to daemon component.
3. Deploy operator with daemon config
  1. For Openshift cluster, assign privileged security context to multi-nic-cni-operator-controller-manager service account
    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:multi-nic-cni-operator-system:multi-nic-cni-operator-controller-manager
  2. Deploy by kustomize
    make deploy

Deploy MultiNicNetwork resource

  1. Prepare network.yaml as shown in the example

  2. Deploy

    kubectl apply -f network.yaml

    After deployment, the operator will create NetworkAttachmentDefinition of Multus CNI from MultiNicNetwork as well as dependent resource such as SriovNetworkNodePolicy, SriovNetwork for sriov plugin.

  3. To attach additional interfaces, annotate the pod with the network name

        k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks: multi-nic-sample

Check connections

  1. Deploy concheck driver
    kubectl create -f connection-check/concheck.yaml
  2. Check log
     kubectl logs job/multi-nic-concheck
    The log should print the connection table like this:
      ## Connection Check: multinic-sample
      FROM                            TO                               CONNECTED/TOTAL IPs                            BANDWIDTHs
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-47lzt gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-5477j  2/2             []     [ 8.80Gbits/sec 7.81Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-47lzt gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-6dkfv  2/2             [] [ 13.1Gbits/sec 7.55Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-47lzt gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-8wh6z  2/2             []     [ 7.32Gbits/sec 7.64Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-47lzt gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-3-rfrs4  0/2             []  []
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-47lzt gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-4czvd  2/2             []   [ 7.39Gbits/sec 8.08Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-4czvd gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-47lzt  2/2             [] [ 10.9Gbits/sec 9.79Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-4czvd gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-5477j  2/2             []     [ 5.47Gbits/sec 4.96Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-4czvd gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-6dkfv  2/2             [] [ 8.08Gbits/sec 7.72Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-4czvd gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-8wh6z  2/2             []     [ 7.55Gbits/sec 9.93Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-4czvd gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-3-rfrs4  0/2             []  []
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-5477j gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-6dkfv  2/2             [] [ 8.37Gbits/sec 8.91Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-5477j gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-8wh6z  2/2             []     [ 10.7Gbits/sec 5.84Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-5477j gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-3-rfrs4  0/2             []  []
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-5477j gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-47lzt  2/2             [] [ 5.61Gbits/sec 9.52Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-5477j gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-4czvd  2/2             []   [ 6.56Gbits/sec 7.09Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-6dkfv gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-47lzt  2/2             [] [ 10.5Gbits/sec 8.80Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-6dkfv gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-4czvd  2/2             []   [ 7.02Gbits/sec 9.39Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-6dkfv gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-5477j  2/2             []     [ 7.81Gbits/sec 7.81Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-6dkfv gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-8wh6z  2/2             []     [ 9.79Gbits/sec 8.18Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-6dkfv gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-3-rfrs4  0/2             []  []
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-8wh6z gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-47lzt  2/2             [] [ 9.52Gbits/sec 9.03Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-8wh6z gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-4czvd  2/2             []   [ 9.65Gbits/sec 4.88Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-8wh6z gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-5477j  2/2             []     [ 7.99Gbits/sec 7.39Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-8wh6z gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-6dkfv  2/2             [] [ 6.56Gbits/sec 6.88Gbits/sec]
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-8wh6z gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-3-rfrs4  0/2             []  []
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-3-rfrs4 gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-5477j  0/2             []     []
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-3-rfrs4 gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-6dkfv  0/2             [] []
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-3-rfrs4 gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-8wh6z  0/2             []     []
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-3-rfrs4 gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-47lzt  0/2             [] []
      gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-3-rfrs4 gpu-dallas-d5l8c-worker-2-4czvd  0/2             []   []
  3. Clean up
     kubectl delete pod -n default --selector multi-nic-concheck
     kubectl delete job -n default --selector multi-nic-concheck
     kubectl delete -f connection-check/concheck.yaml

Uninstall operator

make undeploy