
Website for hosting mod downloads for the mod manager

This repo is used for hosting mod downloads for the Planetary Annihilation Mod Manager

Usage for non-members

  • Clone this repository
  • Zip your mod up correctly for PAMM.
  • Add it to the user_mods dir.
  • Add your update/release to the news tab by copying the commented code in news.html and filling it in with your announcement. (Optional)
  • Commit and send a pull request

Then when the pull request is accepted, we'll run the tool to regenerate modlist.json and your mod will be available :) After you make a couple of mods we'll add you as a member so you won't need to wait for your pull requests to be accepted anymore.

Usage for members

  • Clone this repository
  • Zip your mod up correctly for PAMM.
  • Add it to the user_mods dir.
  • Run ListGenerator.exe
    • For Windows .NET Framework 2.0 or higher required
    • For Linux and Mac just run it with Mono (tested with 2.8)
  • Add your update/release to the news tab by copying the commented code in news.html and filling it in with your announcement. (Optional)
  • Commit all changes (adding/replacing your mod zip and updating modlist.json)
  • Push changes

Help! I don't know git

More information on making mods for PA and how to configure them for PAMM
