F# Power Tools
>Project Cache Size
- Project >
Other flags
Treat warnings as errors
- A rather than B.
- Use
rather thanint array
. - Use
rather thanB.ofA
as follows - Use
List.collect f xs
rather thanList.concat (List.map f xs)
- Use
List.map (g >> f) xs
rather thanList.map f (List.map g xs)
- Use %A rather than %s to double-quote a string if the string can be empty.
- Use
Recommended | Not recommended |
Array.toSeq | Seq.ofArray |
Array.toList | List.ofArray |
Seq.toArray | Array.ofSeq |
Seq.toList | List.ofSeq |
List.toArray | Array.ofList |
List.toSeq | Seq.ofList |
Set.ofArray | (none) |
Set.ofSeq | (none) |
Set.ofList | (none) |
Set.toArray | (none) |
Set.toSeq | (none) |
Set.toList | (none) |
// Do something
| _ -> // Do something
let xs = [| 1 .. 5 |]
// Use properties rather than functions
printfn "%A" (xs.Length) // Simpler than (Array.length xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.[2]) // Simpler than (Array.get xs 2)
let xs = [ 1 .. 5 ]
// Use properties rather than functions
printfn "%A" (xs.IsEmpty) // Simpler than (List.isEmpty xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Length) // Simpler than (List.length xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Head) // Simpler than (List.head xs) or (xs.Item 0) or (List.item 0 xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Tail) // Simpler than (List.tail xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.[2]) // Simpler than (xs.Item 2) or (List.item 2 xs)
let xs = set [ 1 .. 5 ]
let ys = set [ 1 .. 5 ]
// Use properties rather than functions
printfn "%A" (xs.IsEmpty) // Simpler than (Set.isEmpty xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Count) // Simpler than (Set.count xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.MaximumElement) // Simpler than (Set.maxElement xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.MinimumElement) // Simpler than (Set.minElement xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Contains 2) // Simpler than (Set.contains 2 xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Add 6) // Simpler than (Set.add 6 xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Remove 2) // Simpler than (Set.remove 2 xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.IsProperSubsetOf ys) // Simpler than (Set.isProperSubset xs ys)
printfn "%A" (xs.IsSubsetOf ys) // Simpler than (Set.isSubset xs ys)
printfn "%A" (xs.IsProperSupersetOf ys) // Simpler than (Set.isProperSuperset xs ys)
printfn "%A" (xs.IsSupersetOf ys) // Simpler than (Set.isSuperset xs ys)
let m = Map.ofArray [| "bacon", 100; "lettuce", 200 |]
// Use properties rather than functions
printfn "%A" (m.IsEmpty) // Simpler than (Map.isEmpty m)
printfn "%A" (m.ContainsKey "lettuce") // Simpler than (Map.containsKey "lettuce" m)
printfn "%A" (m.Count) // "Map.count" does not exist.
printfn "%A" m.["lettuce"] // Simpler than (m.Item "lettuce") or (Map.find "lettuce" m)
printfn "%A" (m.TryFind "bacon") // Simpler than (Map.tryFind "bacon" m)
printfn "%A" (m.Add ("tomato", 300)) // Simpler than (Map.add "tomato" 300 m)
printfn "%A" (m.Remove "lettuce") // Simpler than (Map.remove "lettuce" m)
let m = Map.ofList [ 1, "one"; 2, "two" ]
let xs = seq { 0 .. 5 }
let d = dict [ 1, "one"; 2, "two" ]
Can have static members as follows.
type Rank =
/// Represents the rank of cards 2 .. 10
| Value of int
| Ace
| King
| Queen
| Jack
static member GetAllRanks() =
[ yield Ace
for i in 2 .. 10 do yield Value i
yield Jack
yield Queen
yield King ]
type Person = { First : string; Last : string }
let person = { First = "John"; Last = "Doe" }
match person with
| { First = "John" } -> printfn "Hi John !"
| _ -> printfn "Not John .."
- F# Language Reference
- Access Control
- Casting and Conversions
- Compiler Options
- Computation Expressions
- Constraints
- Keyword reference
- Statically Resolved Type Parameters
- Symbol and operator reference
sprintf "Something went wrong with %A." var1 |> failwith
invalidArg "var1" (sprintf "Must be foo, but was %A." var1)
invalidArg "var1" (sprintf "Must be %A, but was %A." (toUnionCase UnionCase1) (toUnionCase var1))
- invalidOp
- nullArg