Best practices in settings

  • F# Power Tools > Configuration > Project Cache Size > 0
  • Project > Properties > Build
    • Other flags > --warnon:1182
    • Treat warnings as errors > All

Best practices in coding

  • A rather than B.
    • Use int[] rather than int array.
    • Use A.toB rather than B.ofA as follows
    • Use List.collect f xs rather than List.concat ( f xs)
    • Use (g >> f) xs rather than f ( g xs)
    • Use %A rather than %s to double-quote a string if the string can be empty.
Recommended Not recommended
Array.toSeq Seq.ofArray
Array.toList List.ofArray
Seq.toArray Array.ofSeq
Seq.toList List.ofSeq
List.toArray Array.ofList
List.toSeq Seq.ofList
Set.ofArray (none)
Set.ofSeq (none)
Set.ofList (none)
Set.toArray (none)
Set.toSeq (none)
Set.toList (none)

Pokemon exception handling

    // Do something
| _ -> // Do something

Array manipulation

let xs = [| 1 .. 5 |]

// Use properties rather than functions
printfn "%A" (xs.Length) // Simpler than (Array.length xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.[2]) // Simpler than (Array.get xs 2)

List manipulation

let xs = [ 1 .. 5 ]

// Use properties rather than functions
printfn "%A" (xs.IsEmpty) // Simpler than (List.isEmpty xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Length) // Simpler than (List.length xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Head) // Simpler than (List.head xs) or (xs.Item 0) or (List.item 0 xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Tail) // Simpler than (List.tail xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.[2]) // Simpler than (xs.Item 2) or (List.item 2 xs)

Set manipulation

let xs = set [ 1 .. 5 ]
let ys = set [ 1 .. 5 ]

// Use properties rather than functions
printfn "%A" (xs.IsEmpty) // Simpler than (Set.isEmpty xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Count) // Simpler than (Set.count xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.MaximumElement) // Simpler than (Set.maxElement xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.MinimumElement) // Simpler than (Set.minElement xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Contains 2) // Simpler than (Set.contains 2 xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Add 6) // Simpler than (Set.add 6 xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.Remove 2) // Simpler than (Set.remove 2 xs)
printfn "%A" (xs.IsProperSubsetOf ys) // Simpler than (Set.isProperSubset xs ys)
printfn "%A" (xs.IsSubsetOf ys) // Simpler than (Set.isSubset xs ys)
printfn "%A" (xs.IsProperSupersetOf ys) // Simpler than (Set.isProperSuperset xs ys)
printfn "%A" (xs.IsSupersetOf ys) // Simpler than (Set.isSuperset xs ys)

Map manipulation

let m = Map.ofArray [| "bacon", 100; "lettuce", 200 |]

// Use properties rather than functions
printfn "%A" (m.IsEmpty) // Simpler than (Map.isEmpty m)
printfn "%A" (m.ContainsKey "lettuce") // Simpler than (Map.containsKey "lettuce" m)
printfn "%A" (m.Count) // "Map.count" does not exist.
printfn "%A" m.["lettuce"] // Simpler than (m.Item "lettuce") or (Map.find "lettuce" m)
printfn "%A" (m.TryFind "bacon") // Simpler than (Map.tryFind "bacon" m)
printfn "%A" (m.Add ("tomato", 300)) // Simpler than (Map.add "tomato" 300 m)
printfn "%A" (m.Remove "lettuce") // Simpler than (Map.remove "lettuce" m)

How to initialize a map

let m = Map.ofList [ 1, "one"; 2, "two" ]

How to initialize a seq

let xs = seq { 0 .. 5 }

How to initialize a dictionary of .NET Framework

let d = dict [ 1, "one"; 2, "two" ]

Discriminated union

Can have static members as follows.

type Rank = 
    /// Represents the rank of cards 2 .. 10
    | Value of int
    | Ace
    | King
    | Queen
    | Jack
    static member GetAllRanks() = 
        [ yield Ace
          for i in 2 .. 10 do yield Value i
          yield Jack
          yield Queen
          yield King ]

Pattern matching on records

type Person = { First : string; Last : string }

let person = { First = "John"; Last = "Doe" }

match person with 
| { First = "John" } -> printfn "Hi John !" 
| _  -> printfn "Not John .."




Language references



sprintf "Something went wrong with %A." var1 |> failwith
invalidArg "var1" (sprintf "Must be foo, but was %A." var1)
invalidArg "var1" (sprintf "Must be %A, but was %A." (toUnionCase UnionCase1) (toUnionCase var1))
  • invalidOp
  • nullArg