Fast DDS / ROS 2 Compatible Workspace Guide

This repository provides build scripts and samples for Fast DDS, designed to be compatible with ROS 2 topics. It serves as a bridge for developers looking to integrate Fast DDS with ROS 2 ecosystems, ensuring seamless communication and interoperability between systems using these technologies.


  • Fast DDS Build Scripts: Simplify the process of installing and setting up Fast DDS on Ubuntu/Debian systems.
  • ROS 2 Compatible Topics: Includes samples that demonstrate how to publish and subscribe to ROS 2 topics using Fast DDS, facilitating integration into existing ROS 2 projects.
  • ROS Compatible Libraries: Offers support for building and installing libraries crucial for ROS compatibility, such as yaml-cpp, ROS data types, and tf2.

How to Use This Repository

Preparation: Remove ROS 2 Environment Setup

Remove the ROS 2 environment setup line from your ~/.bashrc:

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash

Clone the Repository

Clone this repository and enter the directory:

git clone --recursive
cd FastDDS-ROS2-Compatible-Workspace

Install Fast DDS

Install Fast DDS and necessary DDS packages on Ubuntu/Debian:

cd scripts
# Follow the script instructions...
source ~/.bashrc

Build and Install ROS Compatible Libraries

Build and install libraries for ROS compatibility (yaml-cpp, ROS data types, tf2):

cd ../fastdds_ws
./ install

Build Sample Applications

Compile the sample applications:


Build and Install RCL Like Wrapper

Build and install the RCL (ROS Client Library) Like Wrapper for enhanced ROS 2 compatibility:

cd ../rcl_like_wrapper
./ install

Build RCL Like Wrapper Sample Applications

Compile the RCL Like Wrapper sample applications:


The compiled applications can be found in the apps/build folder.

Included Open Source Projects

This workspace includes or utilizes the following open-source projects:

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of setting up and using the Fast DDS / ROS 2 Compatible Workspace, ensuring that users can seamlessly integrate Fast DDS into their ROS 2 projects for efficient and interoperable communication.