
This repository contains a rich set of ROS data types in OMG IDL format. These types enable you to create native DDS applications capable of interoperating with ROS 2 applications using equivalent message types.

Primary LanguageCMakeApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ROS Data Types

This repository contains a rich set of ROS data types in OMG IDL format. These types enable you to create native DDS applications capable of interoperating with ROS 2 applications using the equivalent common interfaces.

ROS data types are organized in different modules, including both general-purpose types (e.g., std_msgs) and domain-specific types (e.g., trajectory_msgs).

├── diagnostic_msgs
├── gazebo_msgs
├── geometry_msgs
├── lifecycle_msgs
├── nav_msgs
├── pendulum_msgs
├── sensor_msgs
├── shape_msgs
├── std_msgs
├── stereo_msgs
├── test_msgs
├── tf2_msgs
├── trajectory_msgs
└── visualization_msgs

For more information on the original ROS 2 common interfaces, please refer to this repository.

Building ROS Type Library

The ROS Types repository repository provides a set of CMake files to generate a library containing all the TypeSupport and TypePlugin classes that are required to build DDS applications capable of sending ROS messages.

Configuring CMake Project

To generate the library, first run cmake from a subfolder. This process will create all the build constructs (e.g., Makefiles or Visual Studio solutions) that are required to build the library.

cd ros-data-types
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..

By default, the project will generate a type library for C++11. If you want to generate a type library for a different language, use the the parameter LANG as part of your cmake invocation:

cmake -DLANG=<C|C++|C++11> ..

Building Type Library

Next, run the created build constructs. On Unix, that implies using GNU make:


(On Windows, you will need to build the generated Visual Studio solution instead.)

Installing Type Library

If you want to copy the resulting library and header files to a different location, run cmake and specify the destination directory:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/installation/directory ..

After that, you can run make install to install the library in that location:

make install

Using ROS Data Types in Your Application

In this section we explain how to use the ROS data types in defined in this repository in the declaration of custom types.

Defining a Custom Type

In this example we show how to define a custom type named MyCustomType that combines native DDS types with types included in the ROS data type library.

Custom Type Definition

The IDL definition of MyCustomType is the following:

// MyCustomType.idl
#include "trajectory_msgs/msg/JointTrajectory.idl"

struct MyCustomType {
    @key short object_id;
    trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectory joint_trajectory;

Note that to use trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectory in the definition of our type, we must first include trajectory_msgs/msg/JointTrajectory.idl, which is the IDL file where the original type was defined.

Generating TypePlugin and TypeSupport Classes

To run the example, you must generate TypePlugin and TypeSupport classes for the custom type. To do so, you can either use rtiddsgen directly or -- if you are using CMake -- call the CMake macro connextdds_generate_ros_dds_types defined in resources/cmake/ConnextDdsRosDdsTypes.cmake`.

Generating Code Using rtiddsgen

To generate the support files using rtiddsgen run:

rtiddsgen -language <C|C++|C++11> \
    MyCustomType.idl \

Note that you will need to provide the path to the directory where you installed the library; that is, the path to the parent directory of trajectory_msgs/msg/JointTrajectory.idl.

Generating Code Using CMake Macro

To use the macro connextdds_generate_ros_dds_types, you will need to include ConnextDdsRosDdsTypes.cmake from your CMake file:


# ...

    LANG <C|C++|C++11>
    OUTPUT_DIRECTORY <output directory>
    IDL_FILES <list of files>
    INCLUDE_DIRS </path/to/directory/ros/types/directory>

# ...

Note that you will need to provide the path to the directory where you installed the library; that is, the path to the parent directory of trajectory_msgs/msg/JointTrajectory.idl.

Build Example Application

Once you have generated the TypePlugin and TypeSupport classes, you will need to compile and link them into into your application. If you are using CMake, simply add the generated header and source files to your library or executable using add_library() or add_executable(). In addition, you will need to link the application against the rosddstype library, which contains the type plugin and support classes for the original ROS data types.