
We at Tatum foster building products that developers love & that's why we have this public roadmap for next 3 quarters, which is shaped with the feedback we have received from awesome devs like you & we always welcome anymore new feedback.

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At Tatum we're fanatical about the developer experience. That's why our public roadmap is shaped from feedback received from awesome devs like you. We want your feedback. Here's how you can give it.

Step 1: Go to Discussions in this repo by clicking this link

Step 2: Click on the New Discussion button

Step 3: Use the Feature Requests category for your proposal. (If you need help or found a bug do feel free to open a discussion for that though!)

Select categories

Step 4: Fill out the template as best as possible, and submit!

Submit your Proposal

What happens when you create a Proposal 🤔

Upon submitting your proposal, one of our Developer Evangelists will promptly pick it up, marking it with the 'In review' label.

Tracking Status of Proposal

Next, we forward your request to our product team. If they have any questions or feedback, they'll discuss it directly within the issue thread and you'll receive a notification.

Upon acceptance of your proposal, the 'In review' label will be replaced with either 'Accepted' and additional relevant tags, or simply 'Declined' if it's not feasible at the time.

Accepted Proposals

Tracking the status of a Proposal 🕒

Once your proposal gets accepted you can track the progress and updates about the proposal on our public roadmap board, which you can find here.

Upvoting/Downvoting a current Proposal 👍

If you're considering making a feature request, it's possible that someone else may have already submitted a similar proposal. We encourage you to explore existing requests and engage in the discussions. If you find a proposal that aligns with your needs, show your support by participating in the conversation and upvoting the issue.

Visit here for the list of proposals. link

Code of Conduct 👍

  • Respectful Communication: No personal attacks, trolling, or harassment. Maintain courtesy in all discussions.

  • Collaborative Mindset: Encourage collaboration and inclusivity. Welcome and respect all contributions.

  • Ethical Conduct: No disclosure of private information. Follow all laws and regulations.