Game of Life

By Teagan Atwater

Project Setup

Call yarn install from the project directory.

Run the Project

Call npm start from the project directory and open http://localhost:3000 in a browser.


Design direction

  • Game controls all grid data for each generation (describing alive/dead cells)
  • Game calculates each subsequent grid state on timer
  • Parent lays out all Children, passing individual state
  • Children render with alive/dead styles

Remaining Steps

  • Complete debugging of seed function (currently crashes browser)
  • Build liveOrDie function, which looks up surrounding grid squares' boolean values, tallying the trues and returning a boolean for whether or not that cell becomes alive or dead in the next frame
  • Build timePasses function, triggered onClick by Begin button (to be built; similar to Seed button) which uses setTimeout() to call liveOrDie on all cells in this.state.cells