tatyango's Following
- alexeygrigorev@DataTalksClub
- alinadenisenkoBerlin
- badvision@adobe
- burrsutterRed Hat
- buuhuu@adobe
- captbaritone@facebook
- casensio83Barcelona, Spain
- codingcatgirlFreelancer and @abiapp
- ddanielbee
- easingthemes@Netcentric
- emilywoodsBerlin
- evanfuture((most of my work is private))
- heloa-net
- houcros@moia-dev
- JarodivNetcentric
- jenslauterbach@groundfoghub
- ldaley@gradle
- m-wittpoth
- meoblast001Berlin, Germany
- nc-andreashallerCognizant Netcentric
- nzwei
- petar-prog91München
- pivovarit@vavr-io
- quarkusioThe clouds
- raindev@zalando
- rwappler
- samircaus@Netcentric
- thomashartmNetcentric
- thomaskleinZürich
- ugocei
- vicmeow@sanity-io
- viniciusccarvalhoNew York USA
- vsaar
- xeraa@elastic
- xwizardWrocław
- ybyzek