cms-kit is a Framework for building your own Content-Management-Applications.
Unlike normal Content-Management-Systems there is no pre-defined (Data-)Structure so you are completely free to build whatever you like.
- Data-Modeling: User defined content Classes and DBAL-Objects via build-in Code-Generator (no expensive MVC-Overhead)
- Hook-System to control nearly every Aspect of your CMS
- Multi-lingual Backend/Extensions (Locales managed by cms-kit itself)
- Support for multiple Databases per Instance
- Support for non-AutoIncrement-IDs
- Generic Data-Models
- Wizards
- Extensions like User-/Permission-Management, Version-Control, Workflow-Management, Web-Output etc. (everything is optional!)
- truly modular Architecture
- of course Open Source (GPL v3)
More Infos can be found at (atm german only!!)