
Personal bibliographic database in Bibtex format. Managed with bibtool.

  • To sort run make sort

How to use in LaTeX documents?

The bibliography style is set with \bibliographystyle{stylename} and the bibliography file is imported with \bibliography{bibfile}. Here bibfile is the name of the bibliography .bib file, without the extension and stylename is one of the following:

  • abbrv
  • acm
  • alpha
  • apalike
  • ieeetr
  • plain
  • siam
  • unsrt


\title{Some Document}



    Hello World



After that compiling is done with following four steps -

  1. pdflatex document.tex
  2. bibtex document.aux
  3. pdflatex document.tex
  4. pdflatex document.tex

More Information