
A template to create plugins for vib


To use this template, fork it and change the module name in go.mod.

Then you can modify the source in src/plugin.go to create your plugin.

We recommend adding the vib-plugin tag to your repo so other people can discover it.

Plugin requirements

src/plugin.go explains all requirements for plugins with code examples.

A short tldr:

  • vib requires BuildModule(interface{}, recipe *api.Recipe*) (string, error) to be available as it is used as the entry point for the plugin. Any other functions can be freely declared and will not be used by vib
  • Each plugin needs to have a custom struct for the module, with at least two mandatory values: Name string and Type string
  • It is recommended, but not required, to use the api functions for source definition or downloading sources


NOTE: Plugins will have to be compiled with the same go version as Vib, for builds from vanilla-os, this version is 1.21, it is recommended to use podman/docker or the GitHub workflow to build the plugins.

Plugins can be built with go build -trimpath -buildmode=plugin, producing a .so file. To use the plugin, the .so file has to be moved into the plugins/ directory of the vib recipe. Plugins are only loaded when required, if a recipe never uses a plugin example, will never be loaded.

This template contains a GitHub workflow that can build the plugin with the right arguments automatically. Otherwise one can use podman/docker to build the plugin: docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp golang:1.19 go build -trimpath -buildmode=plugin -v