Grove Vision AI Module contains a camera (OV2640) and two microcontrollers.
- Himax HX6537-A is an ultra-low-power, high-performance microcontroller designed for battery-powered TinyML applications.
- BL702 32-bit RISC CPU. BL702 is the USB-UART chip which enables the communication between the PC and the Himax chip.
In addition, there are two sensors:
- Micropone MSM261D3526H1CPM
- 3D Accelerometer and gyroscope, 6-axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
Dual 7-pin headers are compatible XIAO series boards.
Operating Voltage 5v.
Baud rate 115200.
I2C interface.
The camera supports resolution up to 1600x1200 px but is set to 192x192 px due to the limitation of inference speed.
It is not open source product. Link
Edge Impulse: Update BL702 chip firmware
- Ultralytics YOLOv5
- Github: YOLOV5-SWIFT for AIoT hardware devices launched by Seeed
- Tutorial Train and Deploy Your Own AI Model Into Grove - Vision AI
- Tutorial Train and Deploy Your Own AI Model Into SenseCAP A1101 & Grove - Vision AI
- HIMAX Yolo-Fastest Person Detection Example For Seeed Grove Vision AI Module
The trained models are in the file .uf2
- Connect the USB-C cable and double-click the BOOT button. GROVEAI will be mounted as a drive.
- Himax HX6537-A pdf
- Web interface:
- Instructions:
Linux may not recognize it as a USB device. Therefore we need to create new rules file. File name: 60-visionai.rules
File content:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2886", ATTRS{idProduct}=="8060", MODE="0666"
Save the new rules file to the /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory.
Restart the udev rules:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
- Edge Impulse Seeed Grove Vision Ai
- Grove - Vision AI Module
- Grove-Vision-AI-Module wiki
- TinyML Package Monitor
- VisionAI Automatic Dog Treat Dispenser /wRoboflow and YOLOv5
- Smart Luffa Farming with LoRaWAN
Tauno Erik 2022-2023