
A Nuxt 3 starter boilerplate with a lot of useful features.

Primary LanguageVue

Nuxt3 Boilerplate

A Nuxt 3 starter boilerplate with a lot of useful features.


  • Nuxt

  • Vue

  • VueUse

  • Tailwind CSS

  • nuxt-icon

  • nuxt-security (among other things, it also offers the possibility to use Basic Auth authorization)

  • Setup ESLint and Prettier to check and format code as recommended by Vue, Nuxt and Tailwind CSS

  • Setup Husky with lint-staged

  • Github Action for automated CI/CD to remote server using SSH


To enable Husky after you have created Git repository, install Husky using this command:

npx husky install


A changelog is a log or record of all notable changes made to a project