[bug] Invalid scale on linux
vavakado opened this issue · 2 comments
vavakado commented
Describe the bug
When i run my application everything is tiny and when i open the devtools my tag has a size of -150000 px by -40000 px which makes it unstably tiny
- Create a new project with
bun create tauri-app
- Run it on linux on wayland(i haven't tested on xorg)
- open devtools and see the wrong scale
Expected behavior
the tag and it's children having appropriate sizes that are not negative and more than 20 times bigger than my actual resolution
Full tauri info
$ tauri info
[✔] Environment
- OS: NixOS 25.5.0 x86_64 (X64)
✔ webkit2gtk-4.1: 2.46.4
✔ rsvg2: 2.58.3
✔ rustc: 1.83.0 (90b35a623 2024-11-26)
✔ cargo: 1.83.0 (5ffbef321 2024-10-29)
✔ rustup: 1.27.1 (1980-01-01)
✔ Rust toolchain: stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)
- node: 20.18.1
- npm: 10.8.2
- bun: 1.1.38
[-] Packages
- tauri 🦀: 2.1.1
- tauri-build 🦀: 2.0.3
- wry 🦀: 0.47.2
- tao 🦀: 0.30.8
- @tauri-apps/api : 2.1.1
- @tauri-apps/cli : 2.1.0
[-] Plugins
[-] App
- build-type: bundle
- CSP: unset
- frontendDist: ../build
- devUrl: http://localhost:1420/
- framework: Svelte
- bundler: Vite
Stack trace
No response
Additional context
I tried using a webkitgtk-based browser(midori) and it didn't have this issue.